Shine Kim

Chennai (Feb 2014)

Fundraising Completed

Let's Shine together as one team!

And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations,

and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14)


Greetings! How are you? I want to take this time to share with you about a missions trip that I’ll be serving in this winter. It will be a turning point of my life as a Christian and a leader, so I’d like to invite you to partner with me into this journey.

From Jan 31 to Feb 10 2014, I will be in Chennai, India serving on a missions trip with a team of 11 servant-hearted leaders. We will be outreaching to local schools, giving leadership training, praying for the sick, and hosting revival services.

Recently I got raised up as a leader at New Philadelphia church Seaside, and I’d never have imagined myself being like this before! God has been working in my life powerfully! India used to be the last country I would want to visit, but I decided to take a step of faith.

I hope that you see my heart and enthusiasm about the missions trip. There are two ways in which you can partner with me. First, I’d like to ask you for prayer. If you go to, there will be daily updates from the field of our team’s progress so you can pray specifically. I will also send you detailed updates and testimonies as soon as I come back to Korea. Secondly, I am raising fund to cover some of the trip expenses. I am praying to be able to do this with you as one team!

Thank you for reading! I will keep you posted.

Sincerely Yours,

Shine Kim

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