Debora Yoon

Los Angeles & Las Vegas (Jan 2014)

모금 완료

Whom the Son Sets Free Is Free Indeed

“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples,
and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:31-32

Dear friends,


Happy holidays! Hope you’re having a wonderful holiday with your friends, families, and loved ones. I am writing to you to share with you about a ministry trip that I’ll be serving in this winter.


From January 30th to February 10th, I will be going to Los Angeles and Las Vegas for a ministry trip with my church “New Philadelphia” ( I am being sent out with Pastor Christian and Pastor Erin along with 7 other members who I will be partnering with to reveal the love of Jesus Christ and bless those who we will be serving. We will be visiting young adult services at Thanksgiving Korean Church in Los Angeles and Full Gospel Las Vegas Church. I am honored and tremendously excited to go forth to proclaim the kingdom and release the fire of the Holy Spirit! I believe that God is going to captivate the hearts of the young generation because He loves the youth. Meeting God and encountering His love and goodness at a young age is crucial to set the momentum for a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ.


I have been part of Emmaus Campus Ministry for about 2 years.  Through those years I have witnessed many lives of college students from different backgrounds being transformed by the grace and love of Christ. And I have personally undergone this transformation myself, which is why I ardently believe that the same testimonies can bloom from the youth we will be ministering to.


I would like to ask you to partner with me in prayer and in financial support.  The trip will cost 1,500,000 KRW (about 1,500 USD).  I have made a personal contribution of 750,000 KRW, so I need to raise 750,000 KRW (about 700 USD). If you would like to support me please visit

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. God bless!


Best Regards,


Debora Yoon

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