Judy Bohyun Kim

Big Dream Project (Jan 2016)

모금 완료

Winter Mission Far East 2016


How PRECIOUS to me are Your thoughts,
How VAST is the sum of them!
If I would count them, they are MORE THAN the sand…  
Psalm 139:17-18



Just as how King David is proclaiming in Psalm 139,
about how big and wide God’s thoughts are, God is indeed the one who never fails to surprise us by making us be in awe of His grandeur.

Admiring not only His splendor and power but also His countless love and grace, I’m excited to share with you that this winter, I will be going to the Far East. Our team consists of 11 amazing people from New Philadelphia Church. We will be ministering for about a week (January 20th-January 29th). We’ll be running a camp ministering to the youth and visiting local churches; praying for them to empower their ministries.

I hope your heart would be filled with full of excitement towards how God would make living water flow through the hearts of people there. Please consider to partner with me by supporting me with your prayers. If you visit facebook.com/newphilly, there will be daily updates from the field of our team’s progress. Also, I need to raise 880,000 KRW after personally contributing 220,000 KRW to cover some of the trip expenses (Total cost of trip is 1.1million KRW). Trusting the Lord that He is the source of everything, I humbly ask you to partner with me.

Thank you for taking the time to read and hope to share more in the future!


With love,
Judy Bohyun Kim

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