2020 Building Fund

2020 Building Fund

US$561,070 모금됨

이 프로젝트는 더 이상 모금하지 않습니다. 후원에 감사합니다.

후원 방법

Firstfruits Offering for 2017

Firstfruits Offering for 2017

If you'd like to give your first monthly paycheck of 2017 as a firstfruits offering, please select this item. We ask that you send it in by Feb. 15, 2017.

Firstfruits Offering for 2018

Firstfruits Offering for 2018

If you'd like to give your first monthly paycheck of 2018 as a firstfruits offering, please select this item. We ask that you send it in by Feb. 15, 2018.

One Time Donation

One Time Donation

Donate a one time gift at any time in any amount.

Thousand Dollar Seed

Thousand Dollar Seed

Give to the building fund at the thousand dollar level (equivalent of 1,000,000 krw).

총 2개 중 1 - 2 표시