Gina Kim

Chennai (Dec 2016) Korea team

모금 완료

Gina Kim 후원

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes:

first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. Romans 1:16


Dear friends and family,

How are you? I hope this letter finds you well and rejoicing in the Lord in this season of winter!

This year has been a very stretching and challenging year for me to be part of many different great causes, which I am very thankful for. Yet there is one more before the year 2016 comes to an end. In fact, I believe this will be the best one yet, BECAUSE this is something I am passionate about! Two years ago, I went on a missions trip to Bangladesh and came back with powerful testimonies. And this year I am going on another one to not far from Bangladesh, but right next to it, India. So, I would like to take this time to share it with you.

In the last week of December, from December 26 to 31, I will be going on a missions trip to Chennai, India as a team leader and serving with 12 other brothers and sisters of my church, “New Philadelphia” ( We will be visiting villages, churches and schools in the area to minister to people of different castes-both low and high, different age groups as well as to the local leaders and pastors through revival services and training.

I am excited to go share the love of God and partner with what God already has been doing through the local ministries. I believe the power of the gospel will release freedom and healing, and transform lives through the love of Christ. Although it is only a short week, there is nothing our God cannot do through us and nothing is impossible to God. So, I would like to invite you into this amazing journey.

There are two ways in which you can partner with me on this missions trip. First, I’d like to ask you for prayer. I cannot be sent out without prayers of saints. Your prayers are powerful and have power to move the nations. So, please keep me in your prayer. If you go to, there will be daily updates from the field of our team’s progress so you can pray specifically. Secondly, you can sow into my missions trip through financial support. I will be raising 1,300,000 KRW to cover some of the trip expenses. If you’d like to help, please visit the website: You will see our team profile and picture there.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you for considering!


Many blessings,

Gina, 010 5233 5287


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