Ted (Edward) Grilo

TOEFL Summer Program in China (Jul 2015)

모금 완료

TOEFL English Teaching Trip

As for these four youths, God gave them learning and skill in all literature and wisdom, and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.

Daniel 1:17


June 15, 2015

Dear Friends & Family,

            This July, I will be joining a team of English teachers to go to China. We will teach TOEFL to Korean‐Chinese college students at YUST (Yanbain University of Science & Technology). There will be four waves of teams going out. My team will be the third wave; there is a married couple from Jubilee Church, Sam Choi from New Philly Sillim, and myself from New Philly Busan. On the field, we will be working with an organization called REAH, meaning “friend” in Hebrew, which supports a leadership development program at YUST (www.reah.org/). Our team will use our teaching experience to help undergraduate university students improve their English skills in preparation for graduate studies and professional work.


What makes the TOEFL China trip special?

1. Historically – Yanbain is the first area in China to have foreign investment & businesses.

2. Strategically – The Korean‐Chinese students are pursuing positions of leadership in private, public and NGO sectors. English studies will help them to work effectively on a global scale.

3. Spiritually – YUST is a Christian university in China. Students know that we are Christians. First contact with Christians for many students. As they travel abroad, we hope that they will seek Christian communities for support and friendship in the future.

4. Politically – North Korea has seen the success of YUST. So, a Christian university of science and technology was established in the nation’s capital of Pyeong Yang. What is successful in China is often replicated in North Korea.

5. Personally – First open door teaching in university setting. Vision trip for future work in China and for my role in education & economic development. First experience to see churches collaborating in providing educational aid on an international level.

            I hope that you share in my enthusiasm for this trip. I’d like to ask if you would consider partnering with me for this trip prayerfully and/or financially. Please refer to the following sections for more information!


Prayer Partnership

Being covered by prayer is crucial for serving in full health and effectiveness on the mission field. I will send out information for how to pray specifically for our team and ministry closer to the date of departure.

Prayer Topics:

★ Competence in TOEFL – Learn the system, prepare lessons, answer questions, do testing

★ Missions Training – grace to complete all training work; fresh revelation & insights

★ Travelling grace – easy digestion, sleep, healthy

★ Unity & Honor – team members work & train well

★ VISA Application – Quick & easy

★ Vision Trip – Catch what the Lord is doing in the nation and to find my place in His plans

Financial Partnership

My support goal is to raise $1,430 (approx. 1,590,000 KRW) on top of my personal contribution of 500,000 KRW ($450). This will covers the flight, field costs in China (food, accommodation, transportation, love offering), and transportation costs for Busan‐Seoul trips for weekly training.

I am seeking ten partners for 100,000 KRW, ten partners for 50,000KRW and several partners of 10~20,000KRW to cover these costs. Should you consider supporting me financially, please follow the steps indicated on this web page.


                     Thank you for taking the time to read this letter!

                                                                                    Kind regards,


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