Sarah H. Kim

General Santos (Jan 2015)

모금 완료

Whom the Son Sets Free is Free Indeed

...and I will save the lame and gather the outcast, and I will change their shame into praise and renown in all the earth."  Zephaniah  3:19

Hello friends and family,

How are you? I'm so excited to be writing to you this way. So much has happened since my move to Seoul last year. This includes me joining my church praise team (playing the electric guitar), growing in my stewardship as a leader at my church and at school, and developing some new and amazing friendships. Also, I will be entering my 5th year of teaching English in Korea in March! It's crazy how time flies by so fast, but God has been my cornerstone and strength through it all!

Moving on to more exciting news, from January 23 to the 30th, I will be going to General Santos, Philippines for my second missions trip with New Philadelphia Church ( I am so excited to be back on the missions field again! My team will consist of 13 members who are excited to go and strengthen the pastors at Faith Tribal Ministry and minister to the students at Faith Bible College through their revival services and praying for the sick. I’m very expectant and excited to see the Holy Spirit at work especially when we pray for the sick. For those that do not already know, I lost my mother to cancer in 2006. Though God may not have healed her, I still believe that God wants the best for his sons and daughters, and that he IS who He says He is, Jehovah Rapha, healer.

In case you are wondering, General Santos is the southernmost city in the Philippines with 70% of the people as Roman Catholics, 20% Protestants, and 5% Islam.

Will you consider sowing into this trip through prayer and/or through financial support? I know that God’s going to move powerfully in General Santos and I look forward to bringing back many powerful testimonies and sharing them all with you. The total cost for this missions trip is $1,400 (1.4 KRW). I will be personally contributing $280 (280,000 KRW) but I will be raising support for the rest. 

Here are some ways you can pray for my team and I: 

1) Relational unity working under one spirit.

2) Good health; no infirmities.

3) Words of knowledge when we minister and lead prayers.

No weapon is stronger than the power of prayer and your prayers are effective!

You can view our team’s progress each day by visiting for updates and prayer requests while we are on the missions field.

Thanks for reading! 




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