Sam Choi

Jakarta (Jul 2013)

모금 완료

Mission to Jakarta, Indonesia

Dear family and friends,


Greetings! I hope this letter finds you well and rejoicing in the Lord. I am writing to share with you about the mission trip that I will be serving in this summer. I will be in Jakarta, Indonesia from July 22-29 with New Philadelphia Church in Seoul, the church that I regularly attend here in Korea. We are a team of 10 like-minded individuals, ready to give up our vacation days to serve God by serving the students of IKAT Bible College. Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world. We will be leading an orientation retreat for the students of IKAT Bible College in order to equip them and prepare them to reach the lost in Indonesia.


Evangelizing to Muslims is a difficult undertaking and from experience I can say that at times it seems like a hopeless endeavor. I strongly believe that it is only by the power of God that the spirit of Islam can be dissolved in a person. My faith that God is with this church empowers me to go forth with this mission. The workings of God at New Philadelphia are undeniable. Week after week there are powerful testimonies, prophecies, miracles, healings, and salvations. These are what make it worthwhile for me to commute 2 hours each way from where I live and work to Seoul every weekend. A large reason why I am currently in Korea is that I felt a draw to this church when I visited while traveling through Korea last October. In the same way that I felt it, the spiritual inheritance of New Philadelphia Church upon IKAT Bible College will empower the local Christians of Jakarta to ignite an unstoppable, God-ordained movement across the nation.


I hope and pray that you will share in my enthusiasm. There are a few ways you can support me. The first and most important is prayer. If you go to, you will see daily updates from our team while on the field. I believe that it is important that people hear the stories that will come out of what we are doing before, during, and after the trip. Finally, I will be raising 300,000 KRW (about $266 as of June 3) for my trip (the total cost of my trip is 1,200,000krw. I’ve already sown a personal contribution and must raise the remaining amount). If you'd like to contribute, visit and you can support me directly there. Thank you for reading.



Samuel Choi

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