Tina Cho

Japan (Jul 2011)

모금 완료

Tina Cho 후원


I will give thanks to You, O Lord, among the peoples;
I will sing praises to you among the nations (Psalm 108:3)


Dearest friends & family,

It’s already June 2011, and the Father has been working mightily in the most unexpected ways in my life ever since I graduated college one year ago. I thank you for your overflowing support, love, and prayers both from close and from afar during this transitional period of my life.

I am taking a step of faith this summer, and will be serving on my first mission trip to Japan with my church “New Philadelphia” (newphiladelphiachurch.com) from July 11 – July 21. The fourteen of us will be working with an American missionary, Tim Huber, who has been ministering in Japan for 15 years now. There, we will be doing relief work in northeastern Japan, evangelism, and other forms of ministry. As my heart has been growing for Korea in the past few years, so has it been growing for the “close but far” neighboring nation, Japan. Japan, so deeply intertwined with Korea in history is one of the largest unreached nations in the world with only 1.5% of the population claiming to be Christian.

As an ambassador of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20), I am deeply excited to go. I know that God has been pressing in my heart to walk forward in faith and victory in Him. I am eager to love on the people of Japan who are in desperate need of His love after the devastating earthquake and tsunami March of this year.  And in that, I pray and hope that you will share in my enthusiasm in walking out in faith and boldness in Him.

At this time, I’d like to ask you for your prayers. I sincerely ask that God would protect my physical health and with His covering, I will serve in wholeness and health. I ask that you would pray with me - that I would stand firm upon His word in communion with the Holy Spirit. During this time, I seek that we, as a family in Christ, proclaim and glorify His name with an overflowing joy. In order to go to Japan I also have to raise 330,000. If the Lord leads you to support me financially, please visit support.newphilly.cc and refer to the form included with this letter. Thank you for your time and for reading.

In Him & His infinite love,
