"But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare." Jeremiah 29:7
Hi friends,
As most of you know, I had recently graduated from college and moved to San Francisco, CA to start my first job as an official adult! Along with many exciting changes in my life, I wanted to share with you about a ministry trip to LA that I’ll be serving with New PhiladelphiaChurch from January 12-22. Our team of 13 members, along with New Philly’s lead pastors, Pastors Christian and Erin Lee, will be ministering to the youth at local revival services and conferences.
This trip personally means a lot to me. Ever since moving to LA from Korea at the age of 5 and growing up with my grandparents, God has blessed me tremendously in the States. It has ultimately led me to where I am today. Ministering to the youth of LA will be one way of “seeking the welfare of the city.”
To make this trip possible, I will need to raise $300 while personally contributing $200. Will you consider partnering with me for this ministry trip through prayer and/or through financial support?
Here are some ways you can pray for our team:
1) Strong unity within the team and to minister boldly under the Holy Spirit
2) God's sovereignty and glory to be revealed
3) God's Word to go out in power and land on fertile ground
You can view our team’s progress each day by visiting facebook.com/newphilly for updates and prayer requests while we are on the missions field.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and supporting me on this trip :)