Behold, you shall call a nation that you do not know, and a
nation that did not know you shall run to you, because of the
Lord your God, and of the Holy One of Israel for he has glorified
- Isaiah 55:5
Dear friends!

It’s incredulous to reflect back and see that 2012 has flown by!
As I have been meditating throughout the year upon
the fact that God loves to do new things and that He leads
me in this adventurous way, I’ve been craving to taste and see
fresh manifestations. This past summer, I went to Indonesia with
10 other members of New Philadelphia Church. There, we witnessed
extraordinary miracles, signs, and wonders. We saw a blind man
begin to see with our very own
eyes and a lame woman jump for joy! These testimonies only
propelled us to take bolder steps with the expectance of God to
consistently move from glory to greater glory!
This winter on February 4-11, I have the
privilege of leading a team to Malaysia and to empower
the pastors of Native Partners of World Missions. My team
consists of 13 dynamic leaders representing all three
campuses of New Philly (Hillside, Itaewon, Seaside) and
ECF from Melbourne, Australia. Please pray for us as we
train, depart, minister, and return in full health,
safety, and anointing.
According to Wikipedia, Malaysia means “land of
mountains” and their national motto is "Bersekutu
Bertambah Mutu" ("Unity is Strength").
Though I’ve never been to Malaysia, the Lord has been
speaking to me specifically about this trip through
Isaiah 55. I believe that through the
faith of our team and supporters,
mountains will be moved causing breakthrough and movement
of progression to take place. While many of the youth
have been abandoned by their families for following
Christ, I believe that healing and forgiveness will take
place for the families to be reunified
and strengthened. We will be ministering
in the longhouse communities of the Borneo region. As we
go out to visit and edify church communities and Bible
schools, we will be partnering with Pastor John Mutang —
who is extremely excited to have us come.
I hope that you will share in my enthusiasm and expectant
spirit for this trip! Please join me in praying for this
nation and for my time in Malaysia. In order to go, I
must raise about 1,300,000 KRW. Please your donation
through this website.
Thank you so much! May God bless you abundantly!
Eunice Ko