Judy Choi

Malaysia (Jul 2011)

모금 완료

Judy Choi 후원



Haha, It’s been a long four years of college. But no matter how long it was, my Dad was there, and that’s what made it amazing. He never failed to bring joy, peace, excitement, and hope for what is to come, especially when it came to summer missions. This summer will be no different.

I’ve been at New Philadelphia Church for 4.5 years now, and have been on missions trips since the days of my confused, wandering, hungry, freshman years. Now coming to a place of knowing I am called into full-time ministry, and faithfully serving at Emmaus Campus Ministry, seeing God work in hearts, and in power, I can’t but expect another powerful intervention of God.

From July 21 through July 28 God has offered me the chance to go to the Borneo, Malaysia, with a team of 14! This 7-day mission’s trip will be a time of sharing that overflow of God’s extravagant and intimate love in us.

There is a wide disparity between the rich and the poor, and national and local governments and even the church is neglecting the indigenous people who make up 48% of the population. Knowing the freedom that came to the U.S. as Christians called for revival, we can say this is the perfect setting for revival for Malaysia. Would you pray with us for revival, signs and wonders?

God has opened my eyes to develop a vision for the nations and you can share in this in several ways. First, you can help pray for the team & I. We will need prayers that God will prepare us for our visit and anoint our efforts as we obey & surrender to the Holy Spirit’s work in Malaysia. We will also need prayers that our financial needs will be met. At this time I need to raise 1,175,000 won on top of my own contribution.

Would you consider supporting me with a donation? I will need to raise all my funds by Friday, July 1st in order to pay for airline tickets and other items. Below is the bank account information for both American account holders and Korean account holders. All support is going to one account, so you can let me know via the response card (support form that’s enclosed) or email.

You can learn more about my trip & support me online through http://support.newphilly.cc.
Thank you for all your support! I look forward to letting you know all about how God has worked through your contribution when I return in July!!

Waiting ‘til the day He comes,

Judy Choi

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