Judy Kim

Malaysia (Jul 2011)

모금 완료

Love for Malaysia!!


“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds”
Psalm 147:3

Dear Reader,

    Heya! How are you doing? I hope that you are well, living in health and prosperity! In my own life, God has been moving greatly and transforming my heart, mind, and soul like I’ve never imagined. Recently, I’ve found the Lord again and I can’t help but express my joy and love, constantly overflowing from the tip of my tongues and into the lives of others! :D I wanted to take this time to share with you that the Lord has been healing me in my brokenness and binding up my wounds, and that this summer, I have the opportunity to do the same for others.

   Next month, I will be traveling to Malaysia for 7 days, trekking through the jungles of Borneo with my new beloved church New Philadelphia (newphiladelphiachurch.com) and expressing the love of Jesus Christ! With a team of 13 energetic and passionate members, I am extremely excited to go on my first mission trip with my church! I’ve heard testimonies of recent trips to India and the Philippines, and it’s so evident that God is doing mighty works in their nation. People are being healed, bondages are being broken, and relationships are being restored. I pray that our team sent out to Malaysia will do the same, if not greater, things!

   Our trip will be from July 21- 28, prime time to be victims of the hot humid weather and nasty mosquito attacks. So would you join me in prayer for the health and unity of this team? And as we go out to meet many indigenous people on the streets and in the church, could you cover us in prayer for us to display the unconditional love of Jesus Christ to every child, youth, or grandma we encounter?  For both the young and elder generations to be revived? I have so much confidence that we will do extraordinary things and transform lives, so I hope and ask that you will me and keep me and my team in prayer as we go out to bless the people of the beautiful island of Borneo, Malaysia.

   I am super duper excited to head over to this new country I’ve never been to and soak in the sunrays, the beauty, and the goodness of the Lord. But I can’t do it alone. As successful as my church’s mission trips to India, Philippines, and Cambodia have been, each trip needed partnership. Partnerships including prayer, encouragement, and financial support. For my personal mission trip to Malaysia, I must raise  1,500,000 Korean won, which I have already paid about 1/3 of, leaving 850,000 won to be funded through supporters. Keep in mind that I am in school; you remember when you were a broke college student right! Haha :) So I ask you to consider helping me finance my way to Malaysia, where wonderful glorious works will be done in Jesus’ name. You can send it to our church bank account or support me online at (support.newphilly.cc) which will be the easiest way! Just click on project Malaysia and look for my name!

   I hope and pray that you are led to partner with me in prayer and finance! God will bless you mightily!

      Judy Kim

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