In the same way, let your light shine before others,
So that they may see your good works and give glory
To your Father who is in heaven.
Mathew 5:16
June 5, 2012
Dear ________,
Greetings! I hope that this letter
finds you blessed, at rest and in good health! I would like
to take this opportunity to share with you about a missions trip
that I will be serving on this summer. From July 23
to July 30, I will be in Myanmar
serving on a missions trip with my church, New Philadelphia
( My team consists of 13 people
who are taking their vacation days to go to this nation and
display the love of Jesus Christ.
Myanmar will be my second missions with New
Philadelphia Church. Last summer, I went on my first
mission trip to Bangladesh! We saw over 1000 salvations,
several healings and even supernatural multiplication of candy
for Bengali children! Bangladesh showed me a glimpse of
God’s deep love for His children; and, God was so creative in
showing his love! I learned so much about team unity and
supporting local ministries! This is also where I developed
a huge heart for missions! Can you tell I’m excited?
You can see why in the missions section at the church
website listed above!
In Myanmar, only 4% of the population is
Christian. The country has an international reputation for
poor-quality education, health care, and political corruption.
Still, as God-fearing men and women rise up in faith and
influence, in time kingdom change will come to this nation.
In Myanmar, we will minister primarily
through hosting revival services with a
local church and local pastor.
In these services, we will sing children’s worship songs,
perform skits, preach a message and having powerful ministry
time! Our intention is to exhort the local pastors and
churches. I mentioned earlier that God has done amazing
works on New Philadelphia Church mission trips! As God is
always doing a new thing, (Is 43:19) our team eagerly awaits the
particular “thing,” that God has in store for our trip to
Personally, I aspire to develop a greater,
“servant heart” through this trip. I have
set my heart on walking in humility by putting others first.
I look forward to growing and being stretched as I
faithfully fulfill my specific and shared roles on the team.
Through serving in this manner, I aspire to be a light as I
minister with the love of Christ to the people of Myanmar.
In the winter of 2012, New Philadelphia sent
out a mission team to Thailand and a team to Nepal. The two
teams experienced incredible demonstrations of the Spirit’s power
while there. We are pressing in and asking God for more
signs and wonders this summer. There are
five mission teams being sent out this summer. Besides
Myanmar, New Philly is sending teams to Indonesia, Australia,
Japan and Thailand. An amazing, 70 New Philly members/
leaders, will be sent out.
God has proven faithful in giving me the
opportunity to go to Myanmar. Going on missions this summer
is truly a desire of my heart. I hope that you share in my
enthusiasm and joy at this opportunity. At this time, I’d
like to ask you for your prayers. Being covered by prayer
is crucial for serving in full health and effectiveness on the
mission field. Also, please consider supporting me in
financially. My goal for raising financial support is
1,150,000 KRW ($ 995 CAD). A link is included below, should
you consider helping in this way.
Thank you for reading.
Yours truly,
(Edward) Grilo