Myanmar (Jan 2017) Australia team

Myanmar (Jan 2017) Australia team

US$2,539 모금됨

이 프로젝트는 더 이상 모금하지 않습니다. 후원에 감사합니다.

  • New Philadelphia Church
  • Short Term Missions Trip
  • 이 프로젝트의 후원금은 세금 공제 대상이 아닙니다

후원 방법

General Fund

General Fund

Graciela Kim

Graciela Kim
US$1,299 중 94% 달성

Mina Kang

Mina Kang
US$1,299 중 100% 달성

프로젝트 정보

This will be New Philly's first trip to northern Myanmar since 2009! The trip will be focussed on ministering to local congregations and church leaders, in addition to Christian refugee communities along the border region. The team will also spend time connecting with and ministering to Christians in the capital city, Yangon.

Trip Dates: Jan 8, 2017 to Jan 16, 2017
# Team members: 2 (10 including Korean team)
Goal: $1,500 aud per person

* Please note that goals are estimates and are subject to change based on adjustments to ministry schedules or travel expenses.

Location: Myitkyina and Yangon, Myanmar
PayPal donations are tax-deductible in the US.

최근 후원자

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프로젝트 단체

New Philadelphia Church

New Philadelphia is a multi-site, multi-ethnic, Spirit-filled, non-denominational church with locations in Korea and Australia. The vision of the church is very simple: To raise up an army of mighty warriors. To learn more about the church and its core values, visit New Philly's web site.

  • 웹사이트
  • 주소

    Seoul Mapo-su, Sinchon-ro 16 gil 24, 2nd Floor

  • 전화번호 +82-2-706-2501

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