Suzy Shin

Nepal (Jan 2016)

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Support Nepal Mission

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,

baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 28:19


    Hello I am so happy to announce that I will be going to Nepal in January 11th~21st to share the love of Jesus Christ this year for the first time with New Philadelphia Church.

    1.4% of christians in Nepal are being attacked. They are blamed for the corruption of the country. Hindu extremist asked all the foreign missionaries to leave Nepal. On April 25th 2015 there was an earthquake that devastated many Napalese. The earthquake took the lives of more than 9000 people and injured more than 23,000 people. Even at times like this the good news is christians in the country are yearning for Jesus Christ everyday in secret and growing stronger.

    As I prepare to go to Nepal I find myself being humbled every second of the process. I cannot do this on my own. This is the part where I humbly ask you to help me. Please pray for Nepal and the people God is preparing for us to minister. Pray for our team’s unity, health, a loving heart and to be financially equipped to go do God’s work. As you pray for me and Nepal if your heart is led to support financially I would be humbly blessed by your gracious giving. I will be raising 1500,000KRW to go do God's work. As you partner with me on this mission I pray that you can be blessed to the fullest.

yours truly,

Suzy Shin

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