Offering to New Philly

Offering to New Philly

US$23,032 모금
  • New Philadelphia Church
  • Offerings
  • 해당 프로젝트 후원금은 세금 공제 대상입니다

후원 방법



Give an offering to the house in any amount.

Thousand Dollar Seed

Thousand Dollar Seed

Sow in a thousand dollar seed today and see how the Lord multiplies your offering for the house and in your own life!

프로젝트 정보

New Philly has a commitment to be salt and light in the city! We believe the city shapes a nation's culture in regards to art, business, government, education, and media. And we believe making a dynamic impact to these areas is crucial to seeing the kingdom of God come to a nation.

The cost of doing ministry in a city can get quite high. As the Spirit leads, we want to encourage you to sow a financial seed into our church today. 

New Philly has a strong commitment to financial integrity and transparency. All our quarterly income and expenses can be found on our web site.

* approximately 1,100 krw = $1 usd

(Donations are tax-deductible only in Korea and, for PayPal donations, in the US.)

최근 후원자

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프로젝트 단체

New Philadelphia Church

New Philadelphia is a multi-site, multi-ethnic, Spirit-filled, non-denominational church with locations in Korea and Australia. The vision of the church is very simple: To raise up an army of mighty warriors. To learn more about the church and its core values, visit New Philly's web site.

  • 웹사이트
  • 주소

    Seoul Mapo-su, Sinchon-ro 16 gil 24, 2nd Floor

  • 전화번호 +82-2-706-2501

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