Caleb Lee

Philippines - Baguio (Jan 2011)

모금 완료

Return to Baguio!!!!



Dear Friend


           I hope and pray that this letter finds you well and in the graces of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am writing to you to let you know of an opportunity to partner with me in helping to spread the wonderful news of our Lord to the nation of the Philippines. From January 30, 2011 to February 6th, a team of us from New Philadelphia church will be going on a mission trip to Baguio Philippines. This will be my third trip to the Philippines, and my second time in Baguio.

           The last time I was in Baguio I saw a great need to revival and fire. Many of the pastors were in need of encouragement and prayer. They kept asking me ‘When can you come again?”. This was in November 2009. At the time, I was there with only 3 other people, and we were very limited in what we could do. We just prayed for them and tried to encourage them a best as we could. However, we serve a God of ever increasing Glory Amen!!! This time we have the opportunity to go with 13 members, but not only that, we go with more Authorityand more POWER!!! One of the core values at New Philly is to contend for the Kingdom, and one of the ways that we have been contending is in the area of healing. During our last summer mission team, one of our teams to West Papua, Indonesia was able to see over a hundred healings!!! Praise the Lord! And like I mentioned before, we serve a God of ever increasing Glory! The word says that the “The Glory of the latter house will be greater than the former” (Haggai 2:9). We want to show the people of Baguio that our Lord and God is one of miracles signs and wonder! That he is not some passive God that lives in heaven, but one that is active in our lives, wanting to heal us and make us whole! We want to declare the POWER of God all over the mountains sides of Baguio, Philippines!!!

           Here is where you come in. In order for me to go on this trip, I need to raise 1,200,000 KRW. All members are required to put in 500,000 KRW themselves and we are fundraising to come up with the rest. Please stand with me in raising up the body of Christ in the Philippines! Even if you cannot give financially, please pray for us!!  I can't stress hard enough how important your prayers are to our team. Please pray for the country of the Philippines, the city of Baguio and for the unity of our team.

Thank you so much for your time and God bless you !



                                                                                                                       Caleb Chin Lee

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