Jisu Choi

Philippines (Feb 2013)

모금 완료

"It's more fun in the Phlippines!"


Dearest friend!


I hope this letter greets you and your family in perfect health and enjoying the refreshing start of the year 2013!

It is my joy and honor to share with you that I will be going to the Philippines this winter for a short missions trip with my church, New Philadelphia!

I have the privilege of leading my own team, consisting of our very own lead Pastors Christian & Erin with two amazing leaders, Daisy and Gina from the Itaewon Campus. We will be ministering at various churches, as well as Pastor Bob’s Church in the region of Angeles City, Pampanga, where many expats and American soldiers currently reside in. Our ministry will be in the form of revival services and it is our deepest desire to see the churches be set of fire for the Lord once again!

At this time I would love to ask you to partner with me as I prepare to go on this special missions trip! First, I’d like to ask you for your support through your prayers! I know that as you lift my team and I in your powerful prayers we will be covered and empowered. Also, on top of a personal deposit of 200,000won, I will be support raising the remaining 500,000won in order to cover the total cost of the trip (700,000won). If you feel prayerfully led to supporting me financially, please visit the donation page of this website!


Thank you for taking your time to read through the letter!

God bless and Happy New Year!


In His joy,
Jisu Choi

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