Joel Kim

Tokyo (Jul 2013)

모금 완료

Send Me To Japan!

“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in?  And how can they believe in the one of whom they have no heard?  And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?  And how can they preach unless they are sent?  As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

-Romans 10:13-15


June 4, 2013


Dear friends and family,


            Greetings in the Lord!  I hope everything is going well with you in the Lord!  I wanted to take this brief time to share with you regarding an opportunity the Lord has opened in my life to go on missions this summer!


            From July 27th - August 3rd, I will be traveling with a missions team to Japan with my church, New Philadelphia Church (  My team consists of 13 people who are giving up their vacation days for the cause of the gospel.  What’s exciting and humbling about our missions trip is that we’ll be preaching and evangelizing to perhaps the most unreached or least Christian East- Asian nation: Japan (which is only 1 percent Christian).  Our team will participate in evangelistic art (music, drama) outreaches in the city streets of Tokyo, in addition to further building our relationships with the local churches New Philadelphia has visited before on previous missions trips.  I’m personally excited to team with other talented and gifted performers on my team to draw the beloved Japanese people to the beauty and light of Christ!


            In reality, however, I’m personally humbled and challenged to go on this trip!  I know that a missions trip to Japan can be a spiritually challenging one but I’m equally confident that with your prayers and support, the Lord will more than surplus His extravagant grace and power upon our team and make us effective witnesses of His gospel in the forms that we minister with.


            There are two ways in which you can partner with me on this missions trip.  First, I’d like to ask you for prayer.  If you go to, there will be daily updates of our team’s progress from the field so that you can pray for what we will be doing and for our specific needs.  Secondly, the total trip cost is 1,000,000 KRW and after my personal contribution, I will be raising 750,000 KRW to cover trip expenses.  If you’d like to help, please visit the web site:  A team profile and picture is available there. 


Thank you so much for your time in reading this letter!


Contending for His Kingdom,


Joel Kim, 010-2171-2447


If you’d like to support me, please visit

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