후원자 프로필
후원자 프로필
- 2014년 11월 6일에 회원 가입되었습니다.
Proclaim his glory to the nations, his mighty deeds to all peoples.
(Psalm 96:3)
Hello my dear friends, I hope all of you are doing very well. I’m writing this letter to share with you that I will be going to my first missions this winter with New Philadelphia church!
Our church is sending out 12 mission team this season and the team that I’m a part of will be going to Yagon and Pyinoolwin, Myanmar. Our team will be going out to the mission field for a week from January 30th to February 6th. To be honest, making this decision was challenging for me because 1) my parents initially said “no” to my missions trip because of my safety concerns and 2) I felt out of my comfort zone to head out to mission field. But God supernaturally opened up my parents hearts and they gave me their blessings for me to go and now I’m really excited to stretch my faith and step out to the field!
To give a little back ground on Myanmar, as the military wars against ethnic minorities seeking religious freedom and other rights to equality, hundreds of villages have been destroyed and thousands of people have been displaced and brutalized. And with less than 10% of population representing Christians (in comparison to 80% Buddhist), many Christians face prosecution to a point it is common for pastors to take young people into their homes when they leave their traditional religion for the love of Christ. Despite the prosecution, openness to Christ is growing in Myanmar.
So it’s really important that these Christians are strengthened and encouraged as they spread the good news on to their land. And that is exactly what our team will be doing on our trip: we will be strengthening and encouraging students at Evangel Bible College in Yangon and Immanuel Bible College in Pyinoolwin. As well as Ministering at local churches, lead revival meetings, praying for the sick.
It would be my great joy and honor if you could partner with me on this missions trip
First, I would like to ask you for prayer. If you go to, there will be daily updates from the field of our team's progress so you can pray specifically.
Secondly, I will be raising 1,190,000krw to cover the cost of this trip. The bank account will be provided in this website as you click my name. Donations must be sent with YOUR NAME.
If you are living outside of Korea, you can use PAYPAL to support me. You can pay USD via PayPal after making EFT, please send an email to:
With the following information:
1. Your name 2. Person you are donating to (Jinny Kim) 3. Date sent 4. Amount of money
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and support me!
Lots of blessings and love
Jinny Kim
후원 프로젝트
Big Dream Project (Jan 2016) 9년 전
Nepal (Jan 2015) 10년 전
Jakarta (Jan 2015) 10년 전
2020 Building Fund 10년 전
Kim님의 후원편지
Be part of our team through support! Myanmar (Jan 2015)