Suzie Lee

Vietnam (Jan 2016)

모금 완료

'NAM 2016.

"All the nations, they will come... holding broken chains above their heads..."


Family and friends,

WHAT UP?!!! Thank you for visiting my support page. I'm excited to announce that I will be sent to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam from January 18th to 27th, 2016!!! We will be ministering to the farming community and the local youth of the city.
#bahnmi #pho #glory #JESUS


This past season, God has been calibrating my heart to think about why I do the things I do and why I live the way I live. What actually makes me Christian? What makes me set apart? It’s been a sobering process and I’ve been confronted with hidden desires and fears that I forgot about. Yet, God has been faithful through it all. He's been addressing the doubts, renewing my first love and most importantly, setting my eyes on Jesus who is the center of everything in my life.


With that being said, my trip to Vietnam is solely for that reason. Jesus is the focus, the purpose and the worth. Personally, this is the verse that has been on my heart- “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” – Phil 1:21. I believe that God is going to show us more about what it means to TRULY LIVE IN CHRIST and I want to give you the opportunity to feast on this revelation. My personal goal is to raise 1 mil KRW (approx. $1000 USD). I have already put in my personal contribution of $300. Please visit to give. I would love for you to be a part of this journey with our team in prayer and finances. Every bit counts!

Thank you for reading and supporting me :]

Suzie Lee

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