Susie Baik

West Papua (Jul 2013)

모금 완료

Susie Baik 후원


God looks down from heaven on the children of man to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God.

 (Psalm 53:2)



Dear friend, 

How are you? I hope you and your family are having a beautiful summer in full health and happiness! I wanted to take this time to share with you about a missions trip I will be serving on very soon.


From July 23 to August 1, I will be in Indonesia serving on a missions trip with my church “New Philadelphia” ( I will be going with a team consisting of 8 other people who love the Lord and are incredibly passionate about His people! We will be in West Papua leading an Orientation Retreat for the students of Erikson-Tritt Bible College and ministering with them during services in the Manokwari area. Our focus is to strengthen these students and establish them in their callings. 


This is my second mission trip with New Philadelphia Church and I am really excited to see the work God will be doing through us in West Papua! For the past fifty years, the people in this region have dealt with great political tension, resulting in waves of genocide. This is an area in which the Lord wants to release His full peace and freedom! 


I hope that you will share in my enthusiasm for this nation and this region. There are two ways in which you can partner with me on this missions trip. First, I’d like to ask you for prayer. If you go to, there will be daily updates from the field of our team’s progress so you can pray specifically. Secondly, I will be raising 800,000 KRW to cover some of the trip expenses. (The total trip cost is 1,600,000 krw. I have already sown in a personal deposit and must fundraise the remaining amount).  If you’d like to help please hit “Add to Basket” with the amount you’d like to give. Thank you ever so! 


THANK YOU for reading!


Susie Baik 


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