Graciela Kim

West Papua (Jan 2016)

모금 완료

Graciela Kim 후원


“I will proclaim the name of the Lord. Oh praise the greatness of our God!

He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just.” (Deut. 32:3-4)


Howdy! How are you? I do hope you have been superb, well, fantastic, amazing and beyond. ;-)

Thanks for coming on by to this page. I’m quite ecstatic to share with you this missions trip I have the privilege of being a part of! From Jan 11 to Jan 21, I will be sent to West Papua, Indonesia, serving with my church ( There are 12 of us on the team; 6 leaving from Sydney, and 6 leaving from Seoul. Our main focus will be connecting with, ministering to, and encouraging the local pastors, leaders, and students from Erikson-Tritt Theological College, through trainings and revival services.

Serving on missions trips has always been one of my favourite things, mainly because as I go and align myself with the Father’s heart and what he is doing in these nations, my mind is blown away with revelations of how big and good God is. “I become undone and overcome by the worth of Christ… He is the sign. He is the wonder.” (Dalton Thomas).

This is where YOU come in to partner and experience with me! (Woo!) First and foremost, I’d like to ask for your prayers! Your prayers make a difference and "the prayers of a righteous man are powerful and effective!" (James 5:16). Secondly, I’d like to ask for your financial support. The cost of the trip for Sydney team members is about $2,000 AUD. If you'd like to partner along, hop on over to the team page. If you're in Australia, make sure to change the payment process to EFT in AUD. If you're elsewhere, please go to the PayPal or EFT by KRW methods. 

Thank you and blessings to you! 

With affection,

Graciela Kim

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