Elizabeth Hogsten

Australia (Jul 2012)

Fundraising Completed


Arise, shine, for your light has come,

and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.

See, darkness covers the earth

and thick darkness is over the peoples,

but the Lord rises upon you

and his glory appears over you.  

- Isaiah 60:1-2


Hi, I hope this letter finds you well!  I'd like to share with you about the missions trip I will be going on this summer with my church, New Philadelphia!


Two years after my first visit to New Philadelphia Church, I returned to Korea (last August) and got fully plugged into this wonderful church family.  The past ten months, God has encountered me and changed me in ways I never imagined, and one thing that has become clear to me is that my purpose on this earth is to be a light in dark places.  God has really given me a heart to be a light in Korea, and He has also increased my heart for the nations.


From July 23 to August 2, I will be going on a missions trip to Australia with 12 awesome brothers and sisters from my church!  We will be giving a youth conference at the English ministry of a Korean church in Sydney.  This will be the fourth time that a team from my church will be going to Australia; God moved powerfully in the past trips, and I am excited to build on what has gone before us and to be a part of God encountering these youth in new, unexpected ways also.  I have a feeling that God is going to really stretch and mature me personally, as I minister in ways I never have before.


I'm excited to be going on this trip, but I am also excited about giving you the opportunity to partner with me and be a part of the work God is going to do!  First, you can join me in praying for the youth of Australia and support me and my team by covering us in prayer.  If you go on our facebook page (facebook.com/newphilly), daily updates will be posted from the field so you can pray specifically.  Second, you can sow into our trip financially.  I am raising 850,000 KRW (about $850), along with 850,000 KRW that I am personally investing, to cover the trip expenses.  If you would like to contribute, you can just click the "add to basket" button.


Thank you so much for your time and consideration!


In His Love,


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