Sonya Carrasquillo

Bangladesh (Jul 2011)

Fundraising Completed

Sonya's Support Letter for Bangladesh 2011


“I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord, forever; with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.”
Psalm 89:1

June 3, 2011

Dear Family and Friends,

                Shalom!  Thank you for taking the time to read through this letter. I wanted to share with you about a missions trip that I’ll be serving in this summer.

From July 22 to August 2, I will be in Bangladesh serving on a missions trip with my church “New Philadelphia” (    My team consists of 13 servant-hearted people who are giving up their vacation days and free time to go to this nation and display the love of Jesus Christ. We will be visiting church plants in various towns and cities, praying for the sick, and hosting revival services. New Philadelphia Church goes on missions trips with the organization NPWM (Native Partners for World Missions).  Through NPWM, people are sponsored to attend seminary and then go back to their native land where they plant churches and minister to their people.

This is the first time in my life that I’ve been called to go on a missions trip, but God is stirring up in me a heart for this nation. I would’ve never imagined that I would be going to Bangladesh. It is one of the poorest countries in the world.  Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan for 24 years. Despite becoming independent in 1971, there has been constant political and military unrest in Bangladesh. With instability in the country, the country has not been able to eradicate poverty.

The Bengali people are “by far the largest unreached people group in the world”, as 89% of the population is Muslim. While we are in Bangladesh, we plan to be “Kingdom Carriers” and host revival services with the current local churches there.  The local churches are small however, it is our hope to strengthen them and bring revival to the land! We especially hope to reach out to the youth of Bangladesh. Over half of their population is under the age of 16. As we reach out to the youth, we hope that they will be radically transformed to become influential people for the future of Bangladesh. We believe that what God will do through us there, will go beyond this generation!

I am looking for people to partner with me on this missions trip to Bangladesh, as I am in need of financial and prayer supporters.  I hope for you to cover me in prayer as I enter into this nation, and that signs and wonders will mark our team as we minister to the Bengali people.  Also, the enemy will be on the attack during my time in the field, but I’m asking that you will stand with me in declaring safety, health, favor, and in declaring Isaiah 54:17 that no weapon formed against us shall prosper!  Also, in order to go, I must individually raise 850,000 KRW. If you would like to support me in this way, please go to  and you will find instructions on how to you can make a donation. Thank you for reading, and may the Lord bless you, keep you and show you His favor always!

In Christ’s Love,


Sonya Maria Carrasquillo



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