Ahreum Kim

Big Dream Project (Jan 2016)

Fundraising Completed

Excited to Partner with You!!


For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict. (Luke 21:15)

Dear Friends,

            How are you?  I hope you’re doing well!  I just wanted to share with you about a mission trip that I’ll be serving in this winter.

From January 20-29, I will be joining the New Philadelphia Church (newphiladelphiachurch.com) family on a mission trip to the Far East!  I’ve gone on missions with NPC since 2009 to Indonesia, Japan, and now the Far East. I’ve never been there, but I strongly believe that God is going to do some powerful work!

My team consists of 10 other servant-hearted people who are rearranging their schedules to go to this area and display the love of Jesus Christ. As you may know, the Gospel is spreading quickly and many are coming to Christ in the Far East! Our mission will be a part of this effort to spread the Gospel. Our team will be ministering at a youth camp, visit churches, and run church services.

I hope that you will share in my enthusiasm at this open door. I’d like to ask you for your prayers, especially during my time in the field.  If you visit facebook.com/newphilly, there will be daily updates about our team’s progress so you can pray more specifically. The enemy might be on the attack, but with your support, I know we can stand confidently together and declare Isaiah 54:17: no weapon formed against God’s work shall prosper!  Also in order to go, I must raise 1.1 million won ($950.00).  If you’d like to consider giving towards this mission, I'd really appreciate your support!  Thank you for reading!  God bless you!

                                                                                                Yours truly,
                                                                                               Ahreum Kim



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