Tinè Heenop

Cambodia (Dec 2014)

Fundraising Completed

Love in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, Cambodia .

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before hand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2: 10.

I m excited about the amazing opportunity that God open up for me to share the love of Jesus. I know it’s going to be one that will be a life changing experience for the people I come in contact with as well as myself.

From December 27 to January 3, God is sending me to Cambodia on a mission trip with my church “ New Philadelphia” (www.newphiladelphiachurch.com/). Our team of 13 will be partnering with new hope for orphans , hosting teaching classes, prayer meetings, hosting revival services, ministering to the people in the slums and to orphans in Phnom Penh.

The history of Cambodia is heartbreaking, From 1975-1979, Cambodia turned into the infamous "Killing Fields" where nearly two million of Cambodia's six million population were killed. I pray that as God is sending our team out, that we will be Gods vessels of healing, joy and love to these people and that God will touch them powerfully and restore their hope and their Faith in Him.

I want to invite you to partner with me. There are two ways you can partner with me on this mission trip. First you can partner by praying for me and my team. On our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/newphilly) we will have daily praise and prayer updates as we’re out on the mission field so that you can pray specifically. Secondly I will be raising 1, 260, 00 won. I have personally contributed 260 000won so I need to raise the remaining amount of 1,040,000 won ($1000). Thank you for reading!

All for His Glory


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