Chelsea Van Eck

General Santos (Jan 2015)

Fundraising Completed

Sharing the Joy

“Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given to me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel” (Eph. 6:18).

Dear Family and Friends, 

Greetings from Busan! I am writing today to share about an exciting opportunity. Some of you know that I am part of a church community in Korea called New Philadelphia Church ( This community has been a place where I have been both spiritually challenged and abundantly blessed. Part of the church’s vision is to send out 12 teams to 10 different countries around Asia to further the Kingdom here on Earth. I felt led by God to challenge myself and go outside my comfort zone by participating in this ministry. I am excited to share that I will be going to General Santos, Philippines, with a team January 23rd - 30th.

Our mission in General Santos is to be the hands and feet of Christ in the specific capacity of strengthening and encouraging the pastors of Faith Tribal Ministry. These pastors disciple people from the remote tribes of Mindanao, the second largest island in the Philippines. We will also be ministering to Faith Bible College students during our time there.

As this is a totally new kind of travel experience for me, I confess that I am a bit nervous. However, I am eager to step out in faith and love on others in this capacity. There has been one word that has been laying on my heart as I prepare for this service: boldness. Searching the Word for boldness led me to Paul’s testimony. So today I echo the wisdom of Paul and ask you to pray for me, "that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given to me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel” (Eph. 6:18). I ask you to keep me in your prayers, that God will not only grant me boldness in sharing His love and truth, but also that He breaks off any fears in my heart and overwhelms me with His presence and love during this journey. Also, keep the team and those we work with covered in prayer, that we will see God’s presence and hand in it all!

While I covet your prayers most, I also ask that you consider providing some financial assistance to help cover the cost of this trip. The cost total is 1,400,000 Korean won, or about $1334 USD. I will be fundraising 60% of the cost and I will personally fund the remainder of the cost.

If you are led to financially support me, there is a three step process to give:

1. Pledge: Make a pledge on Please write the amount in Korean won ($1 = 1000 KRW). 

2. Send money via Click on the project called General Santos,  then select my name under the participants. This will be given in USD.

If you would like to follow the progress of the trip and see specific prayer requests, check out the church's facebook page: It will be an exciting time!

Thank you for covering us in prayers and considering playing a part in financially supporting this endeavor. Please do not hesitate to message me if you have any questions. I am blessed to have you in my life!

Much love,


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