Sarah Gouch

General Santos (Jan 2015)

Fundraising Completed

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The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,
because the Lord has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim liberty to the captives (Isaiah 61:1)

Greetings friends and family! How are you? I hope this letter finds you well.  I wanted to take this time to share with you about a mission trip that I’ll be serving on this winter.

As you may already know, I’ve been living and working as an English teacher in South Korea since Fall 2011.  God led me here, and has blessed me with a wonderful family, a great job, and great friends. He is constantly guiding me to do bigger things, and that is why this year I would like to give back to society in a bigger way.

I am pleased to announce that from January 23rd-30th, I will be in General Santos Philippines serving on a mission trip with New Philadelphia Church (   I’m really looking forward to this valuable experience!

Over a year ago, I visited the Philippines and was moved by how truly warm and delightful the locals were.  Some families had little money, but were still cheerful making the most with what they did have. General Santos is the southernmost city in the Philippines, and really needs support. As a country the Philippines’ is predominantly Christian, but some remote areas of General Santos have little religious education.  With my mission team, I will be ministering to students of Faith Bible College, encouraging the pastors of Faith Tribal Ministry, holding revival services, and praying for the sick. I am confident in my team’s ability to make a positive impact, and I hope that you will share in my enthusiasm. 

There are two ways in which you can partner with me on this missions trip.  First, I’d like to ask for your prayer.  Secondly, in addition to my own personal payment, I will be raising 700,000 krw to cover some of the trip expenses.  If you’d like to help, please donate on my team page, under my name

In the face of the enemy, our God is a “warrior” (Exodus 15:13) and He is raising up His people to be warriors (Ezekiel 37) as well. Please consider helping me during this mission.  Thank you for reading!

       Sincerely yours,

         Sarah Gouch                       

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