Emily Suen

Jakarta (Jul 2013)

Fundraising Completed

Be a Parta' Jakarta!

Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless;

Maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy;

Deliver them from the hand of the wicked. (Psalm 82:3-4)

June 3, 2013


Dear Beloved Family of God,

Happy summer! Greetings to you from Seoul, South Korea! I pray that you and your loved ones have been in good health with tremendous plans for the summer. I am looking forward to being sent out on missions this summer with my church, New Philadelphia Church.

I will be traveling to the nation of Jakarta, Indonesia from July 22th to July 29th to minister to God's beloved people as well as to empower the leadership taking place there at local seminaries. Not only that, but for my first time, I will be leading the team as the Team Preacher! My team consists of 10 faith-filled servants of the Lord ready to trust in God to use them powerfully this summer.

As some of you may know, I have been here in Korea for the last year and a half as an Intern Pastor as well as a student of Torch Theological Seminary. After one strenuous yet rewarding year of character and leadership development, I am starting to see a new confidence in me as a minister explode! I believe I will witness myself fully stepping into the calling the Lord has placed upon my life on this trip and I would like to invite YOU to be a part of it.

I hope that you will share in my enthusiasm by partnering with me in two ways. First, I would like to ask you for prayer support. Second, I would like to ask you for financial offerings. I will be raising 1,000,000 krw (roughly $1,000) to cover the trip expenses (The total trip cost is 1,200,000 krw and the amount I must fundraise is the amount after my own personal deposit). Both components are crucial to the success of this mission trip. Thank you in advance for your consideration towards sowing into me and the nation of Indonesia.




Emily Suen

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