Sharon So

Jakarta (Jan 2015)

Fundraising Completed

Carrying God's heart

Hi everyone! 

I'm writing to share about a mission trip that I’ll be going with New Philadelphia Church early next year. New Philadelphia Church is sending out 12 teams this year, and the team that I am part of will be going to Jakarta, Indonesia. This is my first short-term mission trip with New Philadelphia Church, and I’m really excited to go on this trip and take part in bringing joy and life to the people in Indonesia. It is not the work that we do, but the work that God does through us on the field, and it is my privilege to partake in this wonderful journey!


We will be traveling to Jakarta, Indonesia, from January 26 to February 2 and our team will have the honor to minister to students at IKAT Theological Seminary, strengthening and empowering them as they live out their calling as ministers. We will also be ministering at local NPWM (Native Partners World Missions) congregations, praying for the sick and empowering the local pastors. I believe God will move in powerful ways through the churches and the students we minister to, and I am honored to be part of this amazing team with a vision to lead people to come to a fuller understanding of God’s love and his grace and to encounter God like never before.


I would like to ask you to partner with me on this trip. You could do this by covering our team in prayer during the trip and by sowing into this trip financially. I will be raising KRW 980,000 ($980.00) on top of my own personal contribition (for a total of KRW 1,400,000), and if you feel led to give financially, please do so through this website (


Thank you for taking the time to read this!



Sharon So


“You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;

You have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness”

- Psalm 30:11



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