Jamie Lee

Manado (Jan 2017) Australia team

Fundraising Completed

Hope & Joy for Manado!

I’m excited to share that from 9 January to 16 January 2017, I’ll be going to Indonesia (for the 3rd time!) with New Philly church for our summer mission trip! But this time around, for the first time ever, a team of 11 including myself will be sent to Manado, the capital city of the North Sulawesi province (Google “best diving spots in the world”).

This has personally been a season marked by restoration of joy and hope. The fact you’re reading this letter right now is a testimony of unmerited intervention of God’s grace. With that said, I’m expectant for God to use me to release hope, joy and peace to the people we’ll be encountering and ministering to.  Our trip ministry schedule as of now mainly consists of college ministry (Yay! I’ve staffed for and headed up a college ministry!) women’s ministry (Woo hoo! I’m a woman!) and youth ministry (I still act like a child sometimes!) In so many ways, I feel this trip is very divine and I just don’t know what to expect!

With that said, would you consider partnering with me for the things unexpected?

Firstly, I would covet your prayers. I’ve been on 10 mission trips (not including a 2 year church plant) and I know the power and vitality of prayer. With that said, prayer for our team, myself, and Manado would be very much appreciated.

Secondly, would you consider financially sowing into my trip? After my personal contribution, I still have about $1,575.00 (AUD)/1,500,000 KRW to raise. God has always overfloweth my cup and I know He’ll do it again!

Thank you for reading and I look forward to sharing with you all after the trip!

With love,


0478 418 129 || jungmin.jamie@gmail.com

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