YeEun Ha

Nepal (Jan 2016)

Fundraising Completed

Unity in diversity, Unity in Christ

How beautiful upon the mountains

are the feet of him who brings good news,

who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness,

who publishes salvation,

who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”

- Isaiah 52:7 ESV



I want to share with you an exciting ministry opportunity I’ve been given this winter. During the period of Jan 11 – Jan 21, I will be going to Nepal with a mission team from my church “New Philadelphia”. We will be visiting church plants and youth groups, encouraging the local pastors and Christians, praying for the sick, and sharing the love of Christ. We will build up and further equip the native church to strengthen the Kingdom’s advance in Nepal.

The country I’ll be going to is known for its continuous festivals, diverse ethnic groups, and spectacular Himalayan Mountains. However, Nepal is also a country where Christians face widespread persecution. A local evangelist could be accused and beaten to spread a foreign religion in the village. More than a thousand Christians in Nepal have to fight for a place to bury their dead. And religious conversion is banned by law.

When the first church was planted in Nepal 60 years ago, 29 people came to Christ. And now the number of believers reached to nearly 1 million. Despite of the persecution and legal barriers, there has been such an amazing and exponential growth in just a few decades. And this is the ultimate vision that we long for Nepal – that the local Christian church multiply the fruit and advance God’s Kingdom in the land of spiritual darkness.

I’m so excited about this opportunity and how God will move through our team. I hope that you could take part in this ministry by partnering with us. As a mission trip, both prayer and financial support is invaluable. For specific prayer topics, daily updates from the field are uploaded on the Facebook page for our church ( If you’d like to support financially, please use the website for our missions support. I am raising a total cost of 1,500,000 krw, which includes my personal contribution of 450,000 krw (30%), before flying to Nepal on January 11, 2016.

Your prayers and support will be greatly appreciated. Please partner with us as you will also be blessed by sowing into the ministry for Nepal. Thank you and God bless. 



Yours truly,

YeEun Ha

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