Marcus Corpening

Philippines - General Santos (Jan 2011)

Fundraising Completed

An Exciting Opportunity for the Kingdom!



안녕하십니까?That’s Korean for ‘what’s up?’! I hope you have been doing well, and that this letter brings joy and excitement to you in this new year! I’d like to share some exciting things I’ll be doing this winter.

This winter I have the privilege of going to the Philippines with my home tribe, New Philadelphia ( We’ll be heading to General Santos City (Gen San), the “Tuna Capital of the World,” and also a place that is hungry for revival!

A team of 12, including myself, will leave on Jan 24th, and we will spend the entire week loving on the orphan, ministering to many different churches, and holding revival services. This past summer in Indonesia, we saw over 100+ healings, and we know that greater things are to come!  I’ll be preaching every day in Gen San, and as we have seen in missions trips past, we want to see the power, love, and grace of God show up to heal, to set free, and to save! I truly believe that God has set this trip apart, to bring a great manifestation of His love in Gen San!

But I don’t mention this for my own benefit. Jesus told the disciples to pray for workers for the harvest (Luke 10:2). Well, if we are the workers - then I need you to start praying! I’m looking for 20 faith-filled brothers and sisters to commit to praying for me each day that I am in General Santos. Satan will be looking to steal, kill, and destroy, but through your prayers I know we will see life abundant!

Let me be real, though - there is also another pressing need. With the call to pray is also a call to pay. The Church in Acts not only sent out the apostles in prayer, but they did so backing them even financially (Acts 4:35). I’ve contributed as much as I am financially able (as an Intern Pastor, I am not paid a salary), but the need is still great. In order to go and fulfill this call to the nation of the Philippines in this hour, I need to raise 1,000,000krw ($800 USD) in the next 3 weeks. Would you consider supporting me both in prayer and financially? This is your opportunity to get involved with something that will have lasting impact.

Every time we go out, we see people saved, set free from bondage, released into full-time ministry, and completely set on fire for God.

Join me in this Kingdom work, beloved! We’re the generation that is to inherit the nations. Start with me and New Philly in General Santos. Thank you for reading!


Much Love,

Marcus Corpening

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