Solnae Park

Philippines - General Santos (Jan 2011)

Fundraising Completed

Philippines Missions 2011 - General Santos


The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to… provide for those who grieve in Zion – to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.

(Isaiah 61:1-3)



Dear Friends and Family,

            Shalom! How are you? I hope that this letter finds you rejoicing in the Lord! I wanted to take this time to share with you about a mission trip that I’ll be serving in this January. I am so excited!

            From January 24 to 31, I will be in General Santos, the Philippines (located in the southern end of the Philippines) serving on a mission trip with New Philadelphia Church. We will be visiting church plants in various towns and cities, providing for the needy, praying for the broken, and hosting revival services.        

            This will be my first mission trip to the Philippines and I’m expecting God to do BIG things in a fresh and mind-blowing way. I’ve heard so many awesome testimonies from previous mission trips of people being set free from bondage, healed miraculously of all kinds of sickness, and receiving fresh fire from Holy Spirit and I truly believe that what we’ve witnessed so far will be the floor of what we’re about to enter into!

            I’m contending for God’s manifest presence to fall upon wherever our team goes and we will see numerous signs and wonders. We want to witness the blind see, the deaf hear, and the lame walk! I am praying that I will personally witness the mute speak and sing praises to the Lord! Hallelujah! We want to see the fire of the Spirit being released and Joel 2:28-29 being fulfilled in General Santos.

            I hope that you will share in my excitement and joy at this opportunity to serve the Lord. At this time, I’d like to ask you for your prayers. I’ve been on missions trips where I had poor prayer covering and I experienced strange and random illnesses during the trip. I would like to recruit you to partner with me in prayer during my time in the field. Your prayers will be a great threat to the enemy’s ground. Also, in order to go, I must raise 700,000 KRW. Would you consider supporting me in a love offering? Thank you for reading.


                            Your sister in Christ,

                            Solnae Park

                  , 010-2567-2961

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