4th Day Update - Glory and Fire
Hallelujah!!!!! Today was a GLORY-filled day. I'm so blown
MORNING: We went to a Bible College that the previous New Philly
team in 2009 had visited. It was one of the craziest FIRE I've
ever seen, and God was faithful to increase the measure! The
altar call created by different words of knowledge shared
by team members was off the hook! (even before the
sermon) and Mina shared a Word about Abrahamic covenant, and
great encouragement went out to the students!
AFTERNOON: 6 local churches gathered their youth and had a youth
rally - and we were the guest ministers ^^ More
than 200 gathered aged from 4 to early twenties. (mostly
early teens) It was the most passionate worship I've ever
participated in... so much life and hunger!! I preached on the
perfect love of the Father, and the altar had no space for me to
even move around... it was flooded with wailing from DEEP
inner healing and worship. Praise God!!
EVENING: with the same crowd, evening service was filled with
praise and worship. I seriously thought I was teleported
to heaven or something! (get ready for the video!)
Danielle shared her testimony and P.Marcus preached on
extravagant worship. (NPC core value no.1) Again, Holy Spirit was
just moving at the altar call for worshippers :D
1.Tomorrow 8am (9 in Korea) we have a chapel at Christian
hospital where P.Dan works as a chaplain. Sarah will share the
Word. Pray for boldness, peace and ready-soil to receive the
2. Another (even bigger) youth rally is scheduled on Sat night.
Please pray for double portion of what we saw today!
3. My voice is completely gone, and I got a sore throat. Please
pray for healing because I have to talk/speak a lot!
Thank you! Our team is praying for India team as well, have a
safe trip :)