Jon Neufeld

Philippines - Baguio (Jan 2011)

Fundraising Completed

Glory in Baguio!!

Declare His glory among the nations,

His marvelous deeds among all peoples.


                                                                                                                                                                                        December 22, 2010

            Hello!  I hope this letter finds you well and enjoying the warmth of God’s presence!  I wanted to take this chance to tell you about a missions trip that I have the opportunity to go on as a leader this winter.

            From January 30 – February 6, I will be in Baguio, Philippines with a team from New Philadelphia Church, which is the church I’ve been serving at as an intern pastor (  My team consists of 13 amazing people who are giving up their vacation days and free time to go to this nation and represent Jesus.  We’ll be ministering at church plants in various towns and cities, hosting revival services, and seeking to be a blessing however we can to the missionaries that we are in contact with there!

            This is an exciting opportunity for us!  Native Partners for World Missions (NPWM), a missions organization run by our mother church, Jeil Sungdo Church supports a number of native Filipino pastors in the Baguio area, and they’ve eagerly been waiting for a team from New Philly to come and minister with them.  We want to carry the anointing that God has given us to bless the people there and strengthen them to carry out the calling that God has placed on their lives in that nation.  His heart beats passionately for the people of the Philippines and His purposes for them are great!!

            I’d like to ask you to join me in this mission opportunity.  I’ll certainly be needing prayer through this time, so please consider partnering with me in that way.  It will be a difficult trip physically and spiritually, and your prayers will be of great value for me.  I also need to raise 700,000 won ($600 CAD).  If you feel led to contribute financially and joining me in this trip in that way, I would greatly appreciate it!  A form is included for you to consider helping in this way.  Thank you for reading!

Yours truly,                                                          

Jon Neufeld            


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