Daisy Kim

San Francisco (Jul 2013)

Fundraising Completed

Because light shines in darkness

“I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them;

I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth.

These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.”

~Isaiah 42:16


Greetings! Hope this letter finds you and your loved ones well in health and joy.

It’s been more than 3.5 years since I moved back to Korea and it has been quite a journey, especially in my walk with God. His true and unconditional love has broken off many lies and chains that have been holding me down for most of my life, delivering me from darkness and healing me from past hurts and wounds. Such freedom came with an establishment of my true identity and an abundance of knowledge, joy, peace, love, and happiness that is clearly not just for me, but for everyone. After my first overseas missions trip in February, I am happy to share with you that God has opened a door for me to share the overflow of His goodness on another ministry trip this summer!

From July 17th to the 30th I will be serving with a team of 10 brothers and sisters in two major cities of America, Las Vegas & San Francisco, with my church “New Philadelphia Church” (http://newphilly.cc) from Seoul. In Las Vegas, our team will be ministering with Pastor Sunny at a youth revival service, where we will be given the honor of being His vessels to show the youth a small portion of God’s love for them – a small portion because God’s love is infinite and even a sneak peek of it is enough to sweep our feet away :)  In San Francisco we will be ministering with our sister church, Living Hope Christian Center, at their very first young adult retreat! Our church has been invited to take part in witnessing the renewal and restoration of lives that He has in store for the young adults of the nation.

My heart is stirring with excitement as we have started to prepare for this trip. Las Vegas and San Francisco are two cities that have been on my heart for a while, even though I have never been there. Yes, I have no doubt it is because they are both beautiful cities, but I believe they burn in my heart because God’s heart burns for them. San Francisco is one of the major ports for human trafficking in the United States and Las Vegas is a city that has earned a title of “Sin City” with its gambling, prostitution, etc. But we know there is no need to mourn or be discouraged over it because John 1:5 says “light shines in darkness” and we are called to shine His light! So I am beyond thankful and excited to sow seeds of hope and light through the youth and young adults of these wonderful cities!

But I cannot simply take part in this journey alone. It has been proven that when missionaries are “sent” by their supporters, there is a supernatural grace and covering that is essential to the calling of each trip. As such, I would like to ask you to partner with me on this possibly, and probably, life-changing opportunity (for me and many others)!

One way you can send me is through your prayer support. Your prayers will be much needed before, during, and after this trip. Not only will I need prayers of covering and protection as I am ministering in the field, but I also want you to join me in praying for Las Vegas and San Francisco. I will be sending out more specific prayer requests so if you are willing to support me in this way, please let me know through email (ddaisykim@gmail.com).

Along with your prayer support, financial support is also needed for this trip to be possible. I need a total of 1,600,0000 KRW; my goal is to raise 1,200,000 KRW (approximately 1,080 USD) after my personal contribution of 400,000 KRW by July 12, 2013. (This website also reflects my personal contribution.) If you feel led to financially support me, please use this support website to sow into the ministry. I truly believe that your support will not only be an impact on what I will be doing, but also a seed of blessings for your personal life as well.

We will also have daily updates from the field on our facebook page (facebook.com/newphilly) so please stay tuned! Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and I hope God continues to pour out His blessings abundantly onto every aspect of your life.


With love,

Daisy Kim

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