David Oh

San Francisco (Jul 2013)

Fundraising Completed

Do you think Church is dry?

Whoever believes in Jesus

“From His heart will flow rivers of

Living water


Do you think church is dry? Or the Christian walk is dry, boring and lifeless?

In the bible it says whoever believes in Jesus will have rivers of living water flowing out of their hearts. “How in the world is that possible?” you may ask. Well, here is the answer!

A)     The Holy Spirit was sent to us by Jesus to help us and guide us.

B)     The Holy Spirit is powerful and gentle like the wind, which is unseen, but yet you know it exists.

C)     The Holy Spirit causes supernatural signs and wonders to occur!

D)     When you experience the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, your walk with God is nothing but dry! It becomes exciting and powerful like a mighty river!


In 2010 I visited California and I was able to pray for many people young and old. As I prayed for the Holy Spirit to come upon them they started to be healed of their diseases, physical pain and emotional struggles. As God’s supernatural power started to break out I was able to see God open a blind women’s eye and cause a men’s protruding bone to disappear. Many flooded to the house I was staying because they wanted their dry hearts to come alive with living water.


Well I’m excited to tell you that this summer I will be going back to California to share about the Holy Spirit that makes our lives flow like mighty rivers! I’m joining a team of amazing people from New Philadelphia Church and we will be going to San Francisco and Las Vegas.


We are leaving on July 17th, but before that, I need to raise  800,000 krw after personally contributing 800,000 krw, to cover some of the trip expenses. Please consider partnering with me by sowing financially. Also please support my team and myself in prayer. Pray that the youth we minister to will truly experience the JOY of the Mighty River, which is the Holy Spirit!



    God Bless,

    David Oh


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