Sarah Won

San Francisco (Jul 2013)

Fundraising Completed

LV/SF Ministry Trip Support Letter


Hello! I hope God has really inspired you to newer levels of intimacy and creativity this year! I truly sense the change in the spirit in this house!  As you may know it’s missions season and I would like to share with you are little bit of where God has led me to!


I am being sent out with Pastor Christian and Pastor Erin to San Francisco and Las Vegas from July 17-29, 2013.  They have been invited to a young-adult retreat with Living Hope Christian Center (LHCC) and a youth revival with Full Gospel Las Vegas Church.  Pastor Benjamin and Pastor Sunhee of LHCC have had a desire to start a young-adult ministry for some time now.  They recognize the anointing on Pastors Christian and Erin to draw in the young crowd.  I believe that God is going to captivate the hearts of the young generation while they are in the prime of their lives.  There is so much more that God has planned for them.  In Las Vegas, we are going to be ministering to the youth group of a church that our former member, Sunny Kang, is the pastor of.  Brother Sunny has personally expressed his desire to see the youth of his church set on fire with by the Holy Spirit.  We all desire to see the dry bones rise as seen in Ezekiel 37!


I have been doing college ministry with Emmaus for about 2.5 years.  Through those years I have witnessed many lives transformed through the love of Christ.  There is truly nothing more powerful than the perfect love of Christ.  I have seen so many jaded, broken, apathetic and doubtful hearts come alive when they realize who God is.  Many say that America is the hardest missions field, but I know if God has planned for this trip, He is more than willing to pour out his spirit. 


An Iranian missionary once said, “There are three levels of revelation of God that a Christian goes through.  First is “I am who I am,” where God reveals Himself to us.  Second is “You are who You are,” where we come to recognize God in our lives.  Third is “He is who is He is,” where the revelation of God allows us to share with the rest of the world.  I believe God will do all three in the young-adults in San Francisco and in the youth of Las Vegas.


I would like to ask you to partner with me in prayer and in financial support.  The trip will cost 1,600,000 KRW (about 1,500 USD).  I have made a personal contribution of 400,000 KRW, so I need to raise 1,200,000 KRW (about 1,000 USD). If you would like to support me please visit the website below. 


Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.  God bless you!!



“Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, Thus says the Lord God: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain that they may live.”  So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived and stood on their feet, an exceedingly a great army.”

Ezekiel 37:9-10



Sarah W.





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