Brock MacDonald

Tokyo (Jul 2013)

Fundraising Completed

To Tokyo!!

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. – Matthew 28:19-20

June 10, 2013

Grace and peace! How are you? I hope you’re well. Kim and I are still living in Seoul, Korea. We are teaching English to a few dozen Korean children at a private school. We have found an awesome church, New Philadelphia Church, that we have been able to connect, grow and serve at. The people are wonderful, mainly because God is moving in them in great ways. I’m writing to you about our next adventure. Kim and I were not only accepted into membership at the church Sunday, June 2nd, but we will also be serving on a missions team to Tokyo, Japan this summer from July 27th – August 3rd. We are very excited!

The team will be going back to the local ministries they have established relationship with on the previous missions trips to Japan. We aim to reach the lost on the streets of Tokyo through street evangelism and we hope to continue to build deeper relationships with the local ministries. We have started our training, we have half of our funds raised and have begun to pray and fast very intentionally.

I write to you partially to let you know what we are up to because we know you care about us. I also wanted to invite you to join with us on this adventure. I strongly believe God honors those who give, be it in finances (the natural) or prayer (super natural).

I know God will provide enough financial support for us to go, because He is sending us and He will make a way for us to do all He has for us, as we remain faithful to Him (2 Corinthians 9:8). With that said, would you consider financially supporting us? Please do not feel obligated but we do believe that every financial support will reap a blessing for the giver (Luke 6:38). We hope that you will take some time to consider. If you would like to join us financially, please go to our church’s support website: You can donate via Paypal as it’s too difficult to bank transfer internationally.

On a much more important scale, please consider praying with us as we prepare for missions and for when we are on the field. I have learned the hard way this past year, that prayer has a highly important, extremely practical and real effect on our lives and ministry. We go expecting great things. God will respond to the prayers of His people. The Japanese culture, as I understand it, is one that is very polite and open to spiritual conversations but they are a cautious and thoughtful people. We go, wanting to join the persistent church in Japan, to continue working this hard field for a harvest, and that our time there would bring fruit. This cannot be done on our own. We need God desperately, and would greatly appreciate your backing our team through prayer. If you would like to support us in prayer, please reply back to me via email. It’s always nice to know who is standing with us. Also, if you would simply like to keep tabs on how the team is doing in Japan, please visit our church’s facebook page,

Thank you for taking the time to read all this.


Grace and peace,

Brock and Kim

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